5 Scholarships for Adults Returning to School

There is never a bad time to want a higher education. College is not just for the young who are starting their adult lives with a professional curriculum of advanced knowledge. Sometimes lives lead us in different paths, and the one which was chosen long ago leads to something new which requires new skills and new knowledge. Perhaps old lessons don’t hold up as well in the rapidly advancing modern world. Whatever the reason, adults of all ages can rely on some financial aid programs if they choose to return to school to finish - or remaster - their education for the future. That’s why we put this list together of scholarships geared towards adults and non-traditional students.

1.    College JumpStart Scholarship

The College JumpStart Scholarship is an annual, merit-based competition— financial need is not considered—that is open to 10th-12th graders, college students and non-traditional students. The main requirement is that you are committed to going to school and can express your goals for getting a higher education. The first place prize is a $1,000 scholarship to help cover educational expenses. This award can be used at any college or university in the United States.

Amount: $1,000

Requirement: 250-word essay

Eligibility: Students 10-12 grade, undergraduate or non-traditional students (including adults, post-graduates, elderly)

Deadline: October 17, 2024

2.    Return2College

Return2College helps students explore the schools that fit their career and academic goals.

Amount: $1,000

Requirement: Essay

Eligibility: College Student or Graduate

Deadline: April 2025

3.    Adult Students in Scholastic Transition Scholarship

The ASIST program is supported by Executive Women International, and is available to all adult learners who are returning to college for educational training to improve their career opportunities. Applicants may be single parents, displaced homemakers, or individuals entering the workforce for the first time. EWI believes that the ASIST Program will positively impact the personal life, employment, family, and community of the applicant.

Amount: up to $2,500

Requirement: Application, Display Financial Need

Eligibility: Adults entering post-primary education for the first time, are already enrolled or seeking re-training due to workplace changes

Deadline: Rolling Deadline

4.    Bernard Osher Foundation Scholarship

The Bernard Osher Foundation provides scholarships for returning students whose college education has been interrupted for a minimum of five years.

Amount: Varies

Requirement: Apply through participating university

Eligibility: Age 25 to 50, Gap in education of five or more years, pursuing first degree

Deadline: Rolling Deadline

5.    Alpha Sigma Lambda Scholarships

Alpha Sigma Lambda (ASL), the honor society for nontraditional students, offers scholarships of varying amounts. Applicants don’t need to be members of their school’s ASL chapter, but they must attend a school with an active chapter and submit their applications to a chapter councilor for review.

Amount: up to $3,000

Requirement: Personal statement, faculty recommendation, demonstrate financial need

Eligibility: Must be enrolled, 24 semester hours, 3.2 GPA, at College with ASL Chapter (Membership Not Required)

Deadline: May 13, 2024


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