The Scholarship Collective ®

FAFSA Most Valuable Links List

Resource list of all the most important FAFSA information for the 2024-2025 academic year. Updated regularly!

Click here to Get FREE help with your 2024 FAFSA with Wyatt!


Purpose: A crowd-source shareable document to keep up to date with schools changing their deadlines due to FAFSA delays! UPDATE FOR YOUR SCHOOL!

New Enrollment Deadlines 2024 due to FAFSA Delays

Purpose: Need help on specific question or section of the FAFSA? Get your answer with the 2024-2025 FAFSA Handbook.

2024-2025 Federal Student Aid Handbook

Purpose: Having issues with the form? Check known issues regularly to see if your issue is in the process of being solved.

Known 2024 FAFSA Form Issues (Federal Student Aid)

Purpose: Don’t know who to put on your FAFSA as a dependent student? Use the contributor roadmap to determine this.

Contributor Roadmap

Purpose: Create a account.

Create An Account

Purpose: Understand the federal and state deadlines.

2024-2025 Deadlines

Purpose: Understand various state requirements for listing schools on your FAFSA to get state aid.

State Requirements for Listing Schools

Purpose: For international and undocumented students to see if they are eligible non-citizens that qualify for FAFSA.

Eligible for FAFSA Non-Citizen Requirements

Purpose: Estimate your financial aid.

2024-2025 Financial Aid Estimator

Purpose: 2024 FAFSA Changes summary.

2024 FAFSA Changes


Biggest FAFSA Mistake Students Are Making in 2024

The Latest on Form Availability

Listing Schools on The FAFSA

Reporting Financial Information on The FAFSA

Looking for funding opportunities outside of Financial Aid?