
Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Find Scholarships for International Students

As an international student, one of the biggest challenges you may face is financing your education. With the rising cost of tuition and living expenses, finding scholarships is crucial to ensure that you can pursue your academic dreams without breaking the bank.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

Top Scholarships for Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the world needs it more than ever. Mental health is paramount in our lives as the world continues to provide challenges to our perceptions and ways of life. Education around mental health also develops to provide more inclusive and expanded care for individuals who were formerly written off in poor fashion by those who did not understand their condition.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

3 Myths About College Financial Aid Debunked

College financial aid plays a crucial role in making higher education accessible and affordable for millions of students and their families. However, there are often misconceptions or myths surrounding financial aid that can create confusion or deter students from pursuing opportunities for financial assistance.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

The Hidden Benefits of Attending Community College

While community college may not have the prestige or reputation of most four-year universities, it offers a wealth of hidden benefits that are often overlooked. So, what are the hidden benefits of community college?

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

Navigating Scholarships for Non-traditional Students

As a general rule, most private scholarships have a age minimum, not an age maximum. This is good news for non-traditional students because it means you will be eligible for just as many opportunities as younger students.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

3 Scholarship Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

You want to get a scholarship, but you don't want to make any mistakes. You've been prepping for this moment your whole life and now it's finally here. If you want a scholarship so badly that it hurts, then avoid these three common scholarship mistakes.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Find Low Competition Scholarships

We've all seen the ads for full ride scholarships to the Ivy League (Harvard, Colombia, Yale). But what about scholarships for people who aren't quite as competitive? What about those of us who don't have 4.0 GPAs? What about those of us who don't have thousands of dollars for AP tests and SAT prep classes?

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

2024 Scholarships for Women’s History Month

In honor of Women’s History Month, we want to make sure you know about all the great scholarship opportunities available to women. We've got business scholarships, medical scholarships, and everything in between.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

Defining Minority: Are you making this scholarship mistake?

The biggest mistake a student can make when applying to scholarships is assuming that he or she doesn’t qualify. The area this mistake is made the most is the subject of “Minority” scholarships. Here’s the most important items you need to know about avoiding missing out on thousands of dollars in scholarships.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

Where do I look for Internships & Jobs?

If you're a freshman in college, you're probably thinking: "work experience already??" The answer is yes! Whether you're a freshman or senior in college, you can benefit from obtaining work experience.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

Essay for the Win: College Essay Edition

College admissions essays can be a stressful part of the college application process, but they're not always as intimidating as they seem. In this guide, I'll show you how to write a great essay that will wow admissions officers and get you into your dream school.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Build Relationships with your Teachers & Professors

As a student, you spend hours each week with your teachers, professors and mentors. And while it’s important to do well in class and get good grades on exams, it can be even more valuable if you build relationships with them outside of the classroom as well (it's who you know, not what you know).

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Write a Winning Personal Statement

If you're applying to college, you already know that there are a lot of essays involved. And if you're applying to graduate school, even more so. But how do you write a personal statement that will set you apart from the pack?

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Build Self-Confidence During College

One of my favorite professors in college once said, “If you come out of your 4 years in college the same person you were when you started, you need to get your money back”. Half of your success in college is the school (what they offer, how it aligns with your goals).

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Stay Motivated in Your Scholarship Journey

As a student applying for scholarships, it's tempting to think of them as free money that will get you through college. But that's not how it works. Scholarships are not free money; they're investments in your future that require hard work and dedication on your part. When I switched to this mindset, it changed everything for me.

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Sade Meeks Sade Meeks

How to Write Authentic Personal Essays

If you're reading this, chances are you're looking for scholarships and already know the key to winning them is the essay. You probably have a pretty good idea of what makes a good essay, but that doesn't mean it's easy to actually write one. So I've put together some basic tips on how to write a great scholarship essay.

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